
Antun Sa’adeh (1904-1949)  Dr. Adel Beshara   Antun Sa’adeh, a nationalist thinker who lived from 1904 to 1949, not only strongly influenced the development of Syrian nationalism; he was one of the major intellectual figures of modern Syria. The impact…
Translated by Fakhri Maluf, edited by Adel Beshara     The aim of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party includes (a) the creation of a Syrian Social Nationalist renaissance (which will fulfill its declared principles and return the Syrian nation to…
Trans. Dr. Adel Beshara   This short letter was written by Sa'adeh during his first imprisonment in 1935, at the request of his lawyer Hamid Franjieh. It offers a valuable insight into the political and intellectual atmosphere in which the…
Trans. Dr. Adel Beshara   The Speech of June 1, 1935, was the first major policy address delivered by Saadeh to the members of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). In it, Saadeh set out in a clear and unequivocal…
Society is knowledge, and knowledge is power.Antun SaadehDedicationTo the men and women of the mighty national renaissance who are striving for continued existence and glory of Syria,I dedicate this book. The Author   National consciousness is the greatest social phenomenon…
Trans. Dr. Adel Beshara On March 2, 1947, Saadeh returned to Lebanon to a monster welcome after spending almost nine years in exile. Upon his arrival, he delivered the following speech to a massive crowd which came practically from all…
Trans. Dr. Adel Beshara Some ignorant people who have studied neither history nor ethnography are attempting to mislead the unwary that there exists in Lebanon a discrete people that is not a part of the Syrian nation that is established…
Trans. Dr. Adel Beshara   Was the revolution that Saadeh declared on the Beshara el Khouri's Regime in July, 1949, an act of treason intended to destroy the newly-independent state, or an act of self-defense provoked by the careless actions…

أنطون سعاده


- الأعمال الكاملة بأغلبها عن النسخة التي نشرتها "مؤسسة سعاده".
- الترجمات إلى الأنكليزية للدكتور عادل بشارة، حصلنا عليها عبر الأنترنت.
- عدد من الدراسات والمقالات حصلنا عليها من الأنترنت.
- هناك عدد من المقالات والدراسات كتبت خصيصاً للموقع.